Saturday, December 1, 2012

How to dry your own herbs in 5 easy steps

1. Buy a pot of fresh herbs. 

I got my pot of sage, rosemary, and thyme from Trader Joe's before Thanksgiving. You'll be more inclined to complete this essential step if you let the nice Trader Joe's lady trick you into thinking of yourself as the kind of person who is likely to make herbed cornbread dressing from scratch.

2. Guard your potted herbs from all natural sunlight. 

If you live in a basement, this should be simple. Placing them by the sunniest window will suffice.

Just because it's night in this picture doesn't mean
that much more light comes in during the day.

3. Forget about the herbs.

Let's not kid ourselves, that herbed cornbread dressing is absolutely coming from a box, also bought at Trader Joe's. You have other things going on.

4. Remember them two weeks later.

Where are those dead leaves on your desk and floor coming from? Oh, look! The herbs are ready!

Didn't the paper around the pot used to be green?

5. Tear the plant apart and sprinkle it on maple mustard chicken. 

Tell your husband this is what you intended the whole time.